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CRE Insights & Advice from Three Emerging Leaders

BOMA/Chicago’s Emerging Leaders Network provides career development, 为BOMA/Chicago Building及其附属会员提供教育和交流机会,建议在商业房地产行业有七年或更少的经验.

我们邀请了三位新兴领导者描述他们的专业背景,并分享了他们对CRE的见解. Read the responses below from Angela Oh, JLL; RJ Parrilli, Midway Building Services, and Ebony Andry, Sterling Bay.

As an emerging leader in commercial real estate, 你认为你的同行应该注意/关注哪些最重要的行业问题?

Angela Oh: The need for permanent office space is diminishing due to flexible work environments. The modern workforce is doing business off-site, from a remote location and working hours are not the typical 9 to 5.

RJ Parrilli: 我们在这一领域的劳动力正在老龄化,随着我们这一代人进入这一行业,可能会出现劳动力短缺. There may be a shortage of skilled tradesmen as you look at the current demographics.

Ebony Andry: 现在,租户们正在以不同的方式使用空间,并在建筑物中寻找更多的设施和公共空间. We should be aware of these increasing demands, and in some instances requirements for things such as tenant lounges, fitness centers, creative spaces and bike rooms.

What is your vision for the future of CRE? How do you expect the industry will change in 5/10/20 years?

Angela Oh: 商业地产行业可能会发展,以迎合年轻劳动力的人口结构.  许多传统的办公室和空间将被重新设计,以适应更多的协作环境.

RJ Parrilli: With the baby boomers exiting the commercial real estate industry, there could be a pivotal change with gen x,y, and millennials leading the ever changing industry. With more of a focus on a work- life balance, 它可能会改变郊区的景观,使其更像一个专注于更高质量生活方式的城市中心.

Ebony Andry:  Technological advances will improve the way we do business and make us more efficient. I envision programs that can merge the various needs of owners, leasing agents and property managers, thus improving overall communication and productivity.

What unique ideas/perspectives can younger CRE professionals bring to the table?

Angela Oh: As the large number of workforce are now the millennials, 年轻的商业地产专业人士可以联系并为租户的需求做出贡献. 拥有一个配备Wi-Fi连接的协作和轻松的租户空间/休息室将成为必要,我们将需要建造适合年轻一代的空间(例如. open spaces vs. offices).

RJ Parrilli: 我们可以提供年轻一代在占用和使用CRE空间时所寻找的东西.  年轻的专业人士正在取代婴儿潮一代,并将成为历史上最大的消费者之一. For example, businesses today consider location even more important than compensation. Baby boomers want to live to work, X一代想要工作生活,而千禧一代正在寻找一种工作娱乐的生活方式.

Ebony Andry: Younger professionals bring a unique perspective to the industry, 包括更有效地利用技术和创新的租户设施来实现目标.

What do you consider to be your greatest career accomplishment thus far? What are your goals moving forward?

Angela Oh: My greatest achievement was earning the 2014 Reginald L. Ollie Inclusion and Outreach Scholarship and then the RPA designation in 2016. Through this scholarship, 我在两年的时间里完成了我的要求,学习了物业管理的各个方面.  我也有机会与同行业的专业人士建立联系并扩大关系.

RJ Parrilli: 我最大的职业成就是率先启动了中途岛劳务,并将中途岛拓展到临时工市场. 我的目标是通过这种扩张和新的方式来继续取得成功,为房地产社区增加收入和解决方案.

Ebony Andry: In April of 2016, I was awarded the Reginald L. Ollie Inclusion and Outreach Scholarship and this was my greatest accomplishment to date. My goals include completing my RPA, becoming the General Manager of  a 500,000+ square foot building, 获得LEED认证,并成为业内其他专业人士的重要十大网赌靠谱网址平台和导师.

What first made you want to get involved in CRE?

Angela Oh: 作为一名CRE专业人士,你需要掌握各种各样的技能,几乎可以迫使你全面发展,并成为一名优秀的多任务处理者.  我喜欢自发发生的十大网赌靠谱信誉平台,以及为了使建筑顺利运行而必须采取的即兴行动.  The unpredictable side of working in this industry may be scary at times, but I welcome the challenges and hope to enhance my skills through these events.

RJ Parrilli: As I found myself working in the insurance field, 我得到了一个机会,可以通过专注于多层次关系来帮助Midway拓展垂直市场. BOMA/Chicago, 希望之城和许多其他组织极大地帮助我发展了关系,这些关系已经变成了客户和私人朋友,这将持续一生.

Ebony Andry: CRE行业最初吸引我的地方是每天的任务种类繁多. There is nothing mundane about property management. 从改善租户空间、建设资本项目到制定预算和进行消防演习,任务各不相同.

Do you have a mentor (within or outside of your company)? How has he/she helped guide you?

Angela Oh:  My General Manager at 71 South Wacker, David Hopwood, has been an integral part of my professional experience.  他一直支持我的所有努力,并丰富了我的知识,使我的建筑成为最好的.  Second, as part of receiving the Ollie Scholarship, I was able to choose Rebecca Miles, Piedmont Office Realty Trust, as my mentor. Becky has been an amazing partner; she made herself available to discuss my progress, 协助我做决策,为管理商业地产提供了不同的视角.

RJ Parrilli: Joe Sergi with Clear Height (formerly REX Electric). When I first was thinking of joining Midway, 我和乔坐了好几次,他讨论了这个行业的所有优点和缺点,以及未来的潜在机会. 他帮助我发展我的客户基础,并引导我进入正确的组织.

Ebony Andry: My General Manager, Bonnie Boden, has been a great guide and advisor. She motivated me to earn my Broker’s License and RPA. She inspired me to set high goals and achieve them. 我的第二个导师,Max Andrews, Matting by Design,是我作为奥利奖学金的一部分获得的. 马克斯鼓励我成为周围人的十大网赌靠谱网址平台,并在需要帮助的时候有勇气寻求帮助.


Angela Oh: Be open-minded!  CRE is not just about managing buildings. 它融合了商业实践的许多方面,你一定会找到一个充满激情的领域. 十大网赌靠谱网址平台商业地产市场的专业人士网络是广泛而有益的十大网赌靠谱网址平台. Also, being part of a great organization like BOMA/Chicago, you are able to network and build great relationships to help you do your job well.

RJ Parrilli: Younger professionals tend to look for a quick advancement. There is a lot of opportunity in CRE to be successful – but it takes time and patience. 看到与你一起开始工作的人在公司的阶梯上努力工作,并利用自己的机会,这是一件值得的事情.

Ebony Andry: 商业地产行业既具有挑战性又引人注目,从业人员就像一个小社区, kind and willing to help. Once someone has decided to be a part of the industry, I would further advise them to get involved, 增加他们的知识,并找到一个有帮助和热情的导师.

有关BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台新兴领袖的更多信息或添加到新兴领袖电子邮件列表, contact Beth Halat, Director of Member Services at