


泰勒-西格, former Associate Real Estate Manager 与世邦魏理仕 at 737 North Michigan Avenue (now with Edge-Funds in New York), 被评为2020年度新兴领袖.


I began my Real Estate career in the Spring of 2017 at 20 North Michigan as a Real Estate Services Administrator.  尽管我没有房地产背景, 我很快了解了世邦魏理仕的平台, 程序, 并引入了一个十大网赌靠谱网址平台如何提高效率的外部视角.

I previously worked in the sporting industry and have always had an interest in numbers and analytics, 商业地产吸引我的地方是什么. 这种兴趣, 还有我好胜的天性, 我在这个行业取得成功的两个核心原因是什么.


九个月后, CBRE requested that I transfer to 65 East Wacker and 威斯汀企业中心 to help them become CBRE compliant by standardizing the operations and processes at the building and prepare the property for CBRE’s Environments for Excellence (E4E) compliance audit. 仍然是这个行业的新手, 这是一项艰巨的任务, 特别是因为这是这栋建筑被审计的第一年. The building ultimately received the highest score in the Chicagoland area – and one of CBRE’s highest scores in the country.

在2019年1月,我被提升为a . 1的助理房地产经理.1 million square foot mixed-use building at 737 North Michigan Avenue after a year and a half in the industry. 在这个位置, 我在财务报告方面承担了更多的责任, 预算, 和建筑, 并为该建筑赢得了当地, 区域, 以及国际托比最佳混合用途建筑奖. 2020年1月,我被提升为737 N Michigan的副房地产经理.


除了在这些项目中接受的在职培训之外, 与北密歇根大学相比,我不得不适应不同的管理风格.  北密歇根20号对全体员工都非常亲力亲为,而在东密歇根65号. 有时候,我是管理办公室里唯一的员工.

我也从尼尔·彭德尔顿那里学到了很多, 董事总经理, 市区投资者服务, 与世邦魏理仕. Neil went out of way to get to know me and everyone else at CBRE and always provided motivation to improve and excel.


I have been actively involved in the Commercial Real Estate Industry and Chicagoland community for the last two plus years as a member of 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台, 世邦魏理仕新兴专业人士组织, 和十大网赌靠谱网址平台房地产网络(CREN).

你是志愿服务的忠实信徒. 你支持的慈善团体有哪些?

I have volunteered at the Ronald McDonald House to entertain and comfort sick children and their families and have volunteered at the James Jordan 基金会’s Student Reading Award Ceremony to celebrate achievements in student reading over the course of the school year. 另外, I have cooked dinner at a homeless shelter and volunteered at the CBRE Chicago’s 2019 Charity Bash at Wrigley Field. I am an active member of the University of Michigan Alumni Association where I serve as a mentor for students majoring in Sport Management. 我也参加支持kesheet的活动, 为有特殊需要的人设立的犹太组织, 和犹太联合基金(JUF).

回到物业管理. 房客满意是您的首要任务.

I pride myself on quick response times to tenant work order requests and saw tenant satisfaction increase as a result. 一旦房客向管理处报告了问题, 我会立即与工程或清洁人员一起解决这个问题. I frequently followed up with each tenant request to make sure their needs were addressed. Numerous tenants have shown their appreciation and satisfaction by sending me a note to thank me for my attentiveness to the situation. I have also always been willing to make time to meet with tenants to discuss areas of deeper concern including cleaning and security issues. I personally visited a tenant’s suite to walk the space with them no matter the time day – whether it was 7 a.m. 或者是6p.m. ——然后与清洁工一起解决他们的需求.


我喜欢为租户策划活动. Some of these events have included: Lyrics of Love Valentine’s Day Event in the building lobby (live opera and jazz music accompanied by heart-shaped cookies), March Madness Watch Party in the building tenant lounge (college basketball games were displayed on the TVs, 每位房客都有爆米花和苏打水, 和一场投篮比赛), Protect our Species Earth Day Event (promoted awareness of animals becoming extinct and provided ways to protect them while serving animal themed cupcakes), and Soules4Souls Shoe Drive (collected shoes to donate to those in-need and to keep shoes out of landfills).  在这些十大网赌靠谱信誉平台之后, I always sought feedback from attending tenants to better understand their needs and expectations to make improvements for future events.


在我的房地产生涯中, 我负责管理我工作过的每个物业的能源之星投资组合, 包括20个北密歇根, 北克拉克1165号, 东瓦克广场65号, 威斯汀企业中心, 北密歇根737号. 在北密歇根737号, I monitored the building’s 能源Star portfolio to improve the building’s sustainability efforts. I constantly looked for new ways to improve building efficiency by performing building walk-throughs with energy consultants and by researching certifications (Green Globes Certification). I recently assisted in the oversight of a chiller replacement project to improve building efficiency at 737 North Michigan. 过去的一年, I planned the Electronic Waste Recycling event allowing tenants to safely and properly dispose of unused and obsolete electronic equipment.

职业发展对你来说很重要. 你觉得哪些程序最有帮助?

我喜欢扩展我的行业知识. 在2017年获得伊利诺伊州房地产执照后, 我在2017年秋天开始了我的RPA认证. In the spring of 2019, I completed my remaining classes and received my RPA designation in May 2020. 我最近获得了商业物业认证经理(CMCP)的称号. 在过去的几年里, 我参加了世邦魏理仕举办的几次绿色倡议活动, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台基准条例研讨会, 以及伊利诺伊州绿色联盟. 我也从BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台专业发展活动中受益,包括午餐 & 学习能源效率和应急准备桌面练习. 接下来,我计划继续攻读FMA和LEED认证.


Throughout my time at CBRE, it has been my goal to be well-liked and respected by all my peers.  做到这一点的最好方法之一就是愿意帮助别人.  我经常自愿在世邦魏理仕会议上做笔记, 包括培训课程, 与无法出席会议的员工共享. 在离开东瓦克65号之前, 我提出每周给接替我的人培训一到两次, 同时履行我在北密歇根737的工作职责. 我还创建了一个广泛的培训手册来解释建筑的过程, (例如, 处理交租单及收取租金事宜), 除了采购等各种世邦魏理仕平台之外, 资产视图, 和核磁共振. 在北密歇根737号, I tried my best to offer to help the Real Estate Services Administrator while also providing training on future tasks she will need upon promotion. 此外, I was requested to train and/or assist employees at other properties to improve their operations.  作为世邦魏理仕采购系统的超级用户, 我主动回答了其他员工十大网赌靠谱网址平台这个平台的问题.


当你读到这篇文章的时候, 我将和我的未婚夫搬到纽约,在我父亲的公司工作, Edge-Funds. I will be working in a similar role at two 1 million square feet properties located in Times Square and the Financial District.

While I’m sad to leave Chicago and am especially thankful to my CBRE family at 737 North Michigan, 包括劳拉·博塞特, 伊丽莎白·基尔罗伊和莉莉·布罗曼, I am also excited to be working at the same company with my brother and Dad (pictured with Tyler on the left) who are based in Washington, DC.

我想和泰勒联系? 你可以在 tsiegel@edge-funds.com.

您想提名一位值得获得金环奖的业内专业人士吗? We are accepting 2021 nominations for the Gold Circle 奖 through Friday, October 23. 前往我们的 金环提名程序页面 参阅提名指引及表格.